about the owner!
hello, and welcome to my website! you can call me nalfae, or audi. this is my first ever attempt at web design + coding, and my main reason behind this particular website was to give me an outlet to write just about anything in a small, niche, corner of the internet! most social media is designed in a way that draws away from personality, no ability to curate your experience and give you full control over how you present yourself. constraints such as word limits, censorings and the like are some of my biggest deterrents from posting my writing on other platforms. and yes, while i could have just decided to go out and buy myself a cheap, physical diary, i wondered if i could maintain an online blog of sorts to keep my writings all in one place, while also learning how to code an entire website.
now, if you'd like to know even more about me, i guess i can share a small fragment of my personal information, though you can probably understand i'd rather not give out too much. internet safety is important! all i'm willing to share is that i am 19, and also a lesbian, so expect me to discuss that a lot in my writing/diary entries, as i feel it's integral to who i am.
i'm obsessed with literature and writing, but i mostly dabble in art during my offtime. i really hope this website will push me to write more ^-^. if i were to make an entire list of the media i'm interested in i fear it'd be hundreds of pages full, but luckily i've created a handy dandy interests tab, so check that out if you'd like to see what i'm fond of!
that's honestly all i can think of for now, so i hope you enjoy my website! thank you for reading + visiting :P
other info!
classic literature, mint chocolate chip, anything melon flavored, horror, energy drinks, marine life, cats, rainy/gloomy weather, domo!

hot weather, most bugs, discourse, the dark, cardio

some blinkies and stamps!!