
It's a new year! Sorry for the lack of site updates, my life has felt pretty messy and harsh since the new year started. January was a pretty shit month for me, to be completely honest. February is uneventful, but I still have a lingering discomfort and irritability from how poorly January went, which sucks. I was truly hoping, begging really, for a better year, but sometimes things just happen. I hope to keep this site ongoing for the rest of the year, maybe even update the other pages I've neglected for awhile. I miss writing reviews!

Unfortunately, even writing this stupidly short entry feels impossible to me, my brain has been turned into sludge. I'm still in college, and amazingly I've been on track since my return last year. I hope I can keep the ball rolling, but it feels like I am constantly met with roadblocks in my life whenever I finally get comfortable. I genuinely don't know if I can keep writing this without thinking I sound lame, so I'll stop it here, but I hope the new year is at least going well for anyone reading this :) !! We will make it....