
well, since last updating, my life's been very rough! i'm managing though as best as i can, especially in regard to school. i don't want to get super duper personal here or anything but my mom passed away very recently, so things have been pretty hard. on top of this, it's nearing the end of this school semester which means i need to start focusing even more, but it's very hard when i have something like this on my mind. i feel like doing nothing but wasting my time, rotting my brain, etcetera etcetera... but i can't, cause i know my mom always wanted me to do well in school no matter what. so i think flunking when i'm doing so well already would just be a huge disservice to her, so i won't do that! it is hard though... even if the work itself is easy, my brain wants to just go on vacation and run away from everything. ehhh, i won't be lazy though.

i know last time i updated i wanted to start coding on here again, which was true! but i think i should focus on actually passing my classes first, then worrying about having fun and stuff. okay, in some not-so-depressing news, i watched the fallout series on prime! well, backstory here is, despite knowing little to nothing about fallout as a game, the lead actress, ella purnell, was in yellowjackets (current obsession) and played my fav character so i thought i'd give it a try! i actually liked it, mostly for the action though if i'm being honest. lucy as a character is very cute! i do think there's some pacing issues and i really only cared about two characters thus far, cooper and lucy, but i didn't think it was terrible! i have the chance to play both fallout 4 and fallout 76, so in true newgen fashion, maybe i'll jump on those games finally.

that's about all i can think about sharing here, i think i'm honestly gonna bring back my rambling page again, since i used to update so much there. it's easier to use that than to dump my thoughts on like, twitter, or something. until next time!


since spring break is finally here for me, i figured it's time to dust off the website and update for once!! i've been missing updating this site, and i think i have some projects i want to work on for my site again :P i definitely want to update my art log, since i've made a tonnn of art since i last updated.. i'll spare the usual "haven't been here cause of life" spiel but i really do miss updating here regularly :( short update but, hopefully this weekend i can finally get back into the swing of things!


first blog post for the new year! wow, i have not been here in awhile. in all honesty, i have been spending my time drawing, scrolling around on twitter and dealing with college. i'm doing exceptionally well for my first year back at college, and i'm finally starting to ease into education again! it feels good to pull good grades, makes me feel like i'm doing something with my time that isn't just art related. outside of that, my life is relatively the same from when i last updated, as per usual. i don't update here very often because there really isn't much to document in my life. that sounds pretty sad but, alas, it is the truth.

to circle back on art, though, i've finally found my passion for it reignited. i've drawn so much in the past three months, working away at idea after idea and even with school starting up again, i still have so much creativity within me. i mentioned this to someone before, i think, but art is sort of like the only thing that keeps me company outside of the rare occassions that i hang out with a friend. so, when i find myself in an art block or a struggle period, i really beat myself up over it and feel terrible because creating is really all i want to do. even without the sharing aspect of it, i enjoy making self indulgent pieces of art that only mean anything to me! anyways, what i mean to say is that i'm just incredibly grateful my passion has been so consistent these past couple of months, and i think i've finally found myself in a stable enough place in my art where i can only keep improving from here on out.

there's not much else for me to share, but i do want to remind myself here that i want to start updating my review page again. no more witty, one-liner, stupid letterbox'd reviews from me! i need to actually capture my thoughts and emotions about the media i consume and reflect on it, otherwise i'm just taking in media like a mindless robot. i also think it will help me for processing things for school, like required readings that bore me endlessly.

if anyone reads this, i hope you are having a good new year! i hope this one is better for me :).